More will be posted daily.
Waste Land to a Scream: A Gay Science (Novel)
北京麻雀 (Sparrows of Beijing) (Novel)
意外※ The Accident
Diary 01 - The Handwritten Script
Diary 02 - Lost for a breeze from the East
东 London, 2001
南 Shanghai, 2004
北 Beijing 2008
西 New York 2012
无 Void 2016
Spring of a Down (Ukraine, Russia, America - 2022)
10 І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала
11 Да, Да, Да. (Do-Do-Do, Da-Da-Da)
13 Записки українського самашедшого
Tarot Blanco - Novella
Death - XIII (London 1349)
The Devil - XV (London 1854)
Strength - VIII (Battle of Königgrätz 3 July 1866)
The Moon - XVIII (Herat, 24th of Hūt, 1357)
The Fool - 0 (Swiss Border, 1917)
Temperance - XIV (Kenmore Sq. Boston, October 1983)
Justice - XI (South Lubec, ME 1953)
Chariot - VII (Kadesh, May 1274 BCE)
Hermit - IX (Cambridge, MA 1990)
The Hanged Man - XII (Παντού, στο παρόν)
Wheel of Fortune - X (Boston, Charles St., Late October 2024)
High Priestess - II (Ohio State Penitentiary, 18 September 1907)
Hierophant - V (Berlin, Summer 1931)
Emperor - IV (January 12, 1880. San Francisco, California, The Kingdom of the United States.)
Empress - III (Some time in the ebb of September 2024 - Omaha, NE)
Magician - I (In the present which converges with the past to create the future past.)
Star - XVII 12 (January 2025. In some forgotten British town with a supplice of bricked roads.)
Tower - XVI (Limerick: Somewhere in the dark days of February 2025)
Judgement - XX (2:00 Eastern Standard Time (of course), Wednesday, 5 February 2025)
Sun - XIX (Washington DC, 1 March 2025)
Lovers - VI (Winter, 2025)
Ace of Staves (14 Feb 2025)
World - XXI (Cambridge, MA, October 24, 1986)
Modernism, Postmodernism, and Digitality
Fourier and Laplace Transformations
Eigenvectors and Gram-Schmidt Process
Primary Component Analysis (PCA)
Digital - Postmodernist - Modernist - Neoclassical - Romantic
Communication as Digital and Subliminal
The Difference between Digitality and Postmodern
The complex mix of the Postmodern theory
The Map and Math of the Postmodern
The shape of a convolution in History
The Modern and its hidden predecessor, the Neoclassical
Modern Era as a Cultural System
Where is the marker for the start of the neoclassical?
Off the Road
Interlude #1
Interlude #2
Las Vegas: The Begining
Las Vegas: 1920s
Las Vegas: 1930s
Las Vegas: 1940s
Las Vegas: 1950s
Las Vegas: 1960s
Interlude #3
Scriabin Sonata #7 (White Mass)
Scriabin Sonata #9 (Black Mass)
Interlude #4
Short Stories
Dulce et Decorum Est (New Haven CT, somewhere in the early 2000s)
Little Ice Age (New Orleans LA, somewhere in the 2020s)
ABC (Afghanistan 2019)
Polytropic Anaphora (New York, 20—)
See You on the Other Side (Schenectady NY, 2020)
On a Cot (Viet Nam, 1967)
Tear Garden (Berlin, 1955)
The Beating of the Heart (London, 1974)
The Wicked Pavilion (Paris, 1951)
The Dark Sound of Deranged Sonnets (Freie Reichsstadt, Wahlheim, 1771)
Iliad Redacted (Pacific Theater, 1944)
Decisions About the Continuum Hypothesis (Taibei, 2010s)
Unreal City (Cambridge MA, 1961)
“Your Well-Done Mistake, Mr. McCarthy” (Washingtoon, DC, 2023)
Chill River (Tang China, 800s)
The Life of an Unknown Man (Cambridge MA, Washington DC, 2004 - 2023)
The Crystal Chinese Music Box (SE America, 20—)
Codename: Jerusalem (Levant, October 2023)
"Three acres and a cow” (London Area, 1920s)
Flesh and Bone (Levant, October 2023)
Ko-Ko (New York, NY, Nov 26, 1945)
On Beale Street (Memphis TN, 1959)
The Moment of Annularity (1990s-2000s)
Allegro Misterioso (Israel, 2023)
Outside the Wire (Bagdad, 2006)
The Grass (Indiana, Present)
“Des Baches Wiegenlied” (Vienna, May 1823)
Heh Jude (London 1968)
Recursion Discursion Reversion Incursion
The Sullen Moon Drops the Light
Consequences of an abnormal sector space in linear algebra
A day in the life of Prof. Tinkwiddle
A future train with cargo from the past
Red Zone
0 Once, Twice, Three
1 Terraforming Excerpted from "Standard Normal Course in Terraforming"
2 A private letter to the skipper of Hyperion.
3 A letter from Deeshandir Venkatesh on Mars
I Stone
4 Speckles of white splayed and showered up and out
5 The corridor was unbelievably old
6 The Lt. Commander was not what Venky had expected.
7 He spent the next two hours doing a variety of duties.
8 There was a brief pass-through
9 It was only 20 minutes later
11 The colonist's town at the other end
II Paper
12 I'm falling.
14 There is something that has forced a cooldown
15 “You wanted to talk to me, Cadet?”
16 He opened his eyes, and they were filled with her eyes
18 You are not cleared for this channel.
19 There are pieces of the festival visible.
III Scissors
21 “here to commit random acts of euphemasia on everything in reach.”
22 The turbosleigh sliced a neat trail line, on the highway to oblivion
23 He opened his eyes, but they were not his eyes.
24 So. Can you help me with something?
25 Once upon a once upon a once upon a time, there was an ocean.
26 in a deadly elongated triangle.
27 He opened his eyes, and they were his eyes.
28 Appendix I Brief History All dates Old Calendar
29 Appendix II Notes on Military Organization
The Lion, The Witch, and CS Lewis
Fon d'parikulur
8 janvier 2010
9 janvye 2010
10 janvye 2010
Bomb Cyclone and its Effects on Harvard (Cambridge MA, 2019-2020)
1 Trumplicous – and Trumplalada - Trumplestiskin
4 Is on a train, writing - when it stops, I will lose my train of thought.
6 Shared sacrifice: bankers get shares. You get sacrificed.
8 And again it started to precipitate – and it was cold enough to be snow
9 Do not wage cruel war and call it commerce
11 I went out to Harvard Sq, which is a triangle.
12 I remember the year before I was accepted. It was December then too.
13 Tumphoria ends with a glump into the Trumptatrum.
14 in a white with gray speckled room where I was talking to the principal.
15 There are times when you have to meet on neutral territory
16 According to a survey by Gorgon Stare, for about 7 blocks
17 A strange day – being an unwelcome guest in some else apartment.
18 It was in night the creeping inner smile shined forth.
19 On the verge of the Boston skyline
Stone South Wind (America 1940s-1970s)
9 Washington University at St. Louis
10 Why Evolution, not Ultra-Darwinism
11 Going to Winchester Repeating Arms
Silk Stockings (1957 - Boston)
3 A Valentine for the Nick of Time
4 Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem.
5 The War Drinks, And Goes on Drinking After it Ends
7 North Station the next day and the next
10 Boston Garden and the Scent of Rage
A Snow, on Cherry Blossoms (1905 - Japan)
I - The Land of Diplomacy
1 In some lands, the art of diplomacy is to say nothing extremely well.
2 Snow falls on bunch up cherry branches in, the of midst the white blossom winter.
3 Poles sprang from the sidewalk in a neighborhood of Tokyo
4 The scene was the English lady's house
II Sea of Survival
5 There was no brush or parchment to write upon.
6 Moments can blur, or they can be quite specific in their intensity.
7 There are some moments which tell a person.
8 Roped together on a dusty road, my companion was being moved.
9 Blessing was my 1st reaction
III Land of Combat – Manchuria
10 Flow of paper beneath a brush is such a natural way
11 It is odd that I am reflecting on the works of Hiroshige
House of Salim - A covel nomedy, a camel dromedary, or some such.
(Somewhere, Nowhere, but not India - in the Past-Present-Future)
1 Salim's Birth, and Childhood
2 The Story of Salim's First Two Wives.
4 The Miracle of Utter Rubbish
6 The Wanderings of Salim, Non-Master UnFakir
9 The Gift (that keeps on regrifting)
The Gate of Rain (1200s Japan)
A Momentary Lapse of Reason (2020s Hong Kong)
Poems on Substack
Las Vegas - A Series of Poems
From Dante
ABCD (From John le Carré)
Cray was a Word for a Nanosecond
"It seems I never got the part"
The rumble of the bus clattering along
It is almost like a resurrection
A thought a rhyme a seasoned flower
Said the Morning Lark to the Nightingale
"La bocca sollevo dal fiero pasto"
Poem on the Ouster of the Jester
Waste Sign - TS Eliot
The waiting love song of Joe Alfred Prudential - TS Eliot
Full Phantom Dive - Sylvia Plath
Low dishonest decade - W. H. Auden
Cycles in American History
Why Strauss & Howe have erred in the recent book. An essay on Fourier and Laplace Transforms, with Population Pyramid.
1 The double-headed snake of republican and democratic movements.
8 “democratic” and “republican” Movements.
The Silent Sphere - A Powderpunk Faerie Tale in Four Acts
Quite an output, Stirling. I’ve sent all of the posts with the wasteland parody and will assemble them into a whole so I can read it all together (so to speak)
great stuff