It was all in the mind, that shaking feeling that for him began when the first plane was lost. For many other people, it would not be real until the second plane hit the World Trade Center, because they believed that the first was an accident. But he knew, as did many other people, that it was a planned and calculated strike – to unleash the demons which lay within. The furrowing mists that gathered together in a torrent, which were part and parcel of our technological society – and which could be used in due course against it, not because it was hard, but because normally it would be too expensive to protect various pieces which could be moved in a collapsing of terror. It only took a man with a certain deranged vision to see it – or some rather odd people who would in due course set these things on a white paper. But these were ignored by the largely men who ran the society, because who would do such a thing as this. Crac-bum-crack-babe. Crunching catharsis cabalistic cacography of The Continental Op1 in the phrased as she in the sordid crepuscular launch into diurnal concrete not-quite noon ongoing splat. London calling.
And when the twisted steel was filling the air of downtown New York City with shards galore, some of the very strange – and crazy sorts – were dreaming those sordid visions that would explain everything, at least to themselves. This is because the important men had things to hide, and normal people let them hide those things – where have the strange abnormal people could not believe that anyone would hide such ordinary visions and instead concocted a mythology of the striking of the Twin Towers, and of the Pentagon. This meant that the important things that were hidden, would only be conveyed to a new generation, which had never seen an event, or only dimly remembered. You can concern yourself with bigger things.2
1 Hammett, Dashiell (1894 - 1961) Red Harvest and Dain Curse
2 Asia, “Heat Of The Moment”