A letter from Deeshandir Venkatesh on Mars, to his wife on Phobos.
Pritha, my Pritha. You know that I am faithful to you in all ways at all times. This is hard, especially knowing that you are now going to be on Phobos, and not even within range of leave, the extra Liberties cost would not be fair. Worse still, it means the children will have to go back to Earth, but I am sure that Nana will be happy to see them as they grow so quickly. It is only that we may be losing the only chance we have to know them as they are.
The good news and I am glad again that you have the clearance to read it, is that I am soon to be made the commander of Mars Southern Military Sector, and a promotion with it. It will mean we can return home, and soon. Of course, this is not to be spoken of, but I know that you are better with secrets than anyone whose feet have touched the Ganges in many years.
I must get ready for another sweep, all my love.
Date: 25.61.025 JD
(September 30th, 2299 OC)
Addendum Previous Orders 25.61.042 JD
(October 18th, 2299 OC)
Colonel Alpha, in light of the loss of Squad in SouthSec[1] operations, you are to report to SouthSec Command Base, then relieve the commander of SouthSec command. In the event that the questions this under the norm, you are to accept as fallback the installation of senior intelligence operative as new SouthSec Command. GO-3[2] will be issued to cover. Coincide your arrival as closely as possible to the change of command at SouthSec. Times provided in insert.
You are to take all necessary measures to cover the loss of assets and put down any armed and active resistance. Existence of such armed and active is to be given on a need-to-know basis only, and activities of any of your assets, most particularly any Heavy Infantry activity, must be secured to every extent plausible and practical.
You are to engage in enhanced intelligence acquisition of any Mars natives who are suspected of connection or involvement with A&A elements.
You are not to harm GF[3] personnel unless they directly fire upon you or your men or make it impossible for you to continue your mission.
All leaves and Liberty expenditures are canceled. Unused Liberties will be refunded JD +50
On JD 25.61.060 Mars SouthSec will be declared Reconquista by the People's Republic, at which time any and all restrictions on the use of force, enhanced intelligence, or extreme negotiation will be removed.
In the event of conflict with foreign powers, these orders will be classified as a Yuan Imperative,[4] already approved by the Dominion, but suspended until activated.
All deviations from these orders and attached revised RoE[5] will be dealt with maximum. This order appends to previous orders, Per Dominion Security Directorate.
[1] Southern Sector of Mars, everything south of 50°. One of 6 sectors of Mars: NorthSec, EastSec, WestSec, FarSec, CapSec. The last being “capital sector.”
[2] General Order Three: State of Emergency, Security service to take direct control
[3] Ground Forces/
[4] Top-level directive.
[5] Rules of Engagement.