In this place where a city should never be,
Hung like a marionette in the oasis aladdin
Even then it was gambling on the Golden Nugget
On the ripa of the Alta Vista on the summerside.
It started with a town that made Inferno
A place called scrub and made it home.
Mojave where heat is just a sound
Out of Pill Lane and Jewel Street.
Que sabe? Lucky Strike.
Crónica de una muerte anunciada.
In the dusty town call The Nowhere and The Nothing,
El amor en los tiempos del cólera.
Running out of your ribs held tight as a drummer’s chord
Made do-si-do allemande left to that sweet autumn girl
And stewed spare to lazy perfection ‘blin.
Cien años de soledad.
Salt and Water was for dying over,
Sandy loam hordes every drop
Save the Scotch for inebriating.
Score gold and silver for slake
Machines eat the hy-dro-gen
Machines that spill the smoke
Machines spill the westward ho
Machines that swill the blessed word: soul.
The bounty of the supreme being,
Love is like Ox-y-gen.
Crash and stop,
at a small town with a saloon
who gives out tequila
in paper bags
that hide
the tequila and the scotch.
Cien años de soledad.
City of Destiny,
for the future not the present.
Sanitation waste horse smell
baked to flies and dung.
Land and water
The railroad personified: harharem.
Sagebrush populating the out of out.
A spring that waters rock and turmoil:
Locomotive bundukiboi meet askarigal
El amor en los tiempos del cólera.
On the machine that moves.
All aboard!
To a place between the past and the future
in the Twilight Zone.
Gross intoxication,
Vile utterances,
And any act detrimental to the public morals,
keep them off the street
and into the suites and boudoirs.
In our town call Halloween.
Las Vegas Age:
Crónica de una muerte anunciada.
Shantih shantih shantih.