Delaying for the Dead
The ship on springtide days
Awash in half-remember lilts
Qvis multi grace te puerile love
Scribner version fortify and host
Wrath divine Peleus Achilles
Maris et terrae1 number of the day when doom
comes to feast on the birds and all our venison2
Hua Yang Nian Hua3 mispronounced
In birth as well as death.
Whanderlarder is unknown who the father is.
As by a unicorn held still,
Because who does,
until the sequel unprepared
Villa is iuris tibia to strange
procession baptismal prolix
Generation by generation squib
In the name of the Alcaic
of the Asclepiadean4
and of Sapphic Adonais
Amender Amenerdath Cnosii5
One of the seven deadly sins
Benigna the Beguine,6
(an infatuation) voltage in the
si iuris si liqua7 (sic)
Solidarność sodalizio elision 8
to the revolution benedetto Agnello9
poema sacro posto mano10
cum tu coöp eine leine hausbrauerei altstadthof 11
And then went down to the ship
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
O navis, referent in mare te Novi
By none but me can the tale be told,
And he stoppeth one of three.12
nunc desiderium curaque in levis,13
Autumn wind clear
Autumn moon bright14
misanthrope mislabeling in misapprehension
misbehave mislead by misusing.
Ideology death premulgia symbology
a parallel world Rembrandt Reubens from the lake lure
Orderly continent astronomy geometer
astrolabe globe Proust repeats arabesque.
Picture with picture with picture
Painting in the anime animated brown
Voi ch'ascoltate15 Mondrian O’Keeffe
Laserlike il velocity ombra
Tomato of despair
e i cape publishes authenticated
las vegas los angelos
e'l viso discophages Louis XIV
The ugly duck thrice removed Grimm
I wish I was in Suspiria censoriously
albeit allusions Guadagnino
intriguing mechanical risible Meinhof group.
Fuge indignant sub umbras.16
We are stars, every one
Only the dead, will come
back to Iraq and Afghanistan
A device the day
which they became not what they are
But what they will become
before sanding of water
And unto Circe.
While these visions did appear.
Vergine Madre, absolute citron
I who cries out before thee
Not you, not but, or how
Release from this drink of pray
Sw Sw SS wS
Ws Ws SS Sw
Sw or as to say17
No gonna swift the Swiffer day
you who is of color facile
an imp e later stelle18
Once upon a time, everything made sense
The Odes of Horace, the clues to a murder,19
Joycean rapture, TS Eliot fuming,
Woolf in her Orlando Furioso sosumi20
But now – a drain of derision
SEAL Team Abu Ghraib distraction
Taliban jojosan disruption
And tock-tick says the watchman21
What would Hu Yaobang do?
That flows eastwards rain the sound
it is inside your head most fallow
telling lies while telling the legalistic truth
as your predecessors before and after did-do
Laborum et laborer each degree finely divinias
Ghlaborem ex-finite lux decide quid files
Lano septum one auctore factors
Fog and clouds go buy half-remember deity.
Sinai and crossplay on the backports sprandn
For in the metasparsematrix in destiny and densify.
βασιλεία τῶν οὐρανῶν.22
Shirt waisted triangle fire23
Over the green zone to danger zone24
B-2 bombers and the wobbling goblin25
parade the goshawks of the day
Skittering blasts oval awful,
to sand beneath other glass
blood sinew intestine shard
laying, lying, half-forgotten slide arm staring at the sunrise.
grinding glaring beneath the rays
on pop tense even tensor matrix statistic
generations equally tracked,
as truth is fornicate de random hurly-burly skews.
Folds of cotton cloth billow
mashed crash monstrously
egging on filthy hand mumbling private parts
made public on a nano-fly.
This they say in rude torture exposition
though call it ethnic cleansing sink.
The Rhyme Spare
Flames celestial trespass power
malicious choking fumes Tuesday trial pivot,
prey on altruism, impoverished en dente
Rich and grandeur operating glove
Laura of Babylon, avaricious in a sack26
Ire of devil, to call to God inflamed
How idols crest in sacred name.
Fountain of every ire,
The temple of every heresy and school of error,
Once was of Rome to the utter East27
For all who weep and suspire.
Desire their surprises
which fortune viscous intuition bends
In my flight and ga instrument err.
Love who live with death and reigns
e 'l so li from putonghua.
Devore tranquille,
chante grenouille:
caresse immense
depuis aquatium.
Espere immobile,
lunaire royaume.
Vapeur murmure,
velours chatouille.
Bouche, peuvent -
caprice peuvent -
céleste peuvent.
Garçon de chamber,
jamais sommeil.28
What mere disadvantages
strange climate
by best estimate
voluntary mortal.
It is the lost portrait.
A Christmas Carol of women's suffrage
To the vergina made born anew
with passing germination Leon d'amor.
At the Station where the sky
of course, oxidant and prior accidents are they
flies regardless who foresee another
Keeping alone in that fetid place
the strained cornered
pilgrims double process and more and more
and then thou solitaire
frantic at the finish of her journey
taint of constellation
that comes briefly to repose
the pain and noise and melody of passing obelisks
Visitation of visitation in Manners style
Pontormo a la Hudson,
a visite Margaret Guten Morgan
Last Florentine Republic (1529–1530)
without a Democracy until America's
15 v-minutes of Stravinski Stradivarius fame
Song, I may never be quenching nuance of
gold which descended as a precious proving
seeking the fire Jove Pledger sense
enflamed by gays incensed
and way falcon flamed
altitude of her image, mad called to honor
not for another figure is the prime Laurel stretched,
or if it is I do not know of it.
Ovid Metamorphōseōn librī:
The Divine Comedy,
(which the name secured Commedia)
Rome and the Deified Ruler,
A or The Pathos of Love by Avenging Gods
In Nova, fert animus mutates diverse forms
Which Lully Gracias Agricola
Consul for a single year
But is it Art?
(a joke sub-earth:
or his brother Son of Sam...)30
Segue to advance my decision,
Stately unadvantage always from silvan to silvan
the range of I transform every fugitive
solitary and vague as allusion is.
Rumsfeld Roulette.31
To make a gracefish his venom,
and punish the day, a thousand,
Clandestine love reprisals bar
A man, who now waits
There my Virtu improve Canopus
now ebbed all notion nor grey,
Do not ask what question comes.
Do not ask.32
Temporarily closed dove white flight
Paradise Theatre last Krugerrand.33
To make climate change,
on must see the nub -
as von Schelling, Hermann34 did
or see the signs as Katrina35 was,
or watch for The End on the wall.36
Hearing them scream in many tongues:
“Not I Not I Not I...”
We must accustom ourselves to Asiatic assertion
Every breath take, I'll be watching you,37
watching you on the wireless,
Listening to The Anatomy of Revolution,38
and why the German wasn't.
Mathmaster on the 4 shells.
Love between my brothers and sisters,
Early death troubadour Rime Sparse
Provencal profound and radiant
unyielding radical clarification Commedia
translation canzone Frustration lovesickness
exhortation arrangement commentary
syllables obliquity l'amoroso pension
l'animoa leggiadria. speranza later cry.
In the name of Wagner, the father;
and Nietzsche the Son;
and the holy Freund, world without end.
Elenna-nórë ad Melkor tu Sauron Quenya39
Akha gûm-ishi ashi gurum legendarium40.
Thine obesity commodius viscus41 of recirculation,
His citadaer of refugee status from the UN.
Comes eternal light, brought for morningsong eternal.
The Progeny descript valueless cohabitation,
by the censors in Washington DC,
Potomac anthropotomy alogo sane πόταμος,
Ἀργοῦς μὴ διαπτάσθαι42 on a wing magisterial
As cuneiform: half-beast, half-man under the blue auxesis.
From muskets to drones polypriden tanks
that man was surrounded by a gaping void
Void of melody, void of family
suffered from the problem of his meaning
The word becomes sovereign, leaped by command.
One whole no longer lives at all.
Where the Citroën Fjord deposit blooms
red on sweaty faces here is no rock43
εἴδομεν, οὐκ ἐξ ἑτέρων!44 Sword cross saltire,
εἰ δὲ κυρήσαι δαίμων οὕτως,
θνητοῖσι θεοὺς ἐπιβάλλειν;45
Unreal city,46 There I will go with you!47
You suspend from the heavens the circle of the lands
But it is Inanna that rules and overrules: Bilgamesh,
Who answers his peoples droit du seigneur48
with epic quest for Enkidu
interweaving at wedding night for Μήδεια
Men are heroes of older myths.
Ashurbanipal alights on gentle winged slight.
Kiki es ga Bilgamesh Elle fremedon not,
wuldres welded woroldäre world without end,
geong Guma göde gewyrcean Grendel,49
Trystan ut Isolde urfus faer ut ford.
Sheridan sceadugenga scëotend swaefone longgestreona ne50
意外,意外, 意外.51
Byrd with him sheet white by sail φευξούμεθα.
Giant steps BDG 10 at the center of the infinite corridor,52
Libraries, public, private, personal, estrangement -
I was dreamin' when wrote this so महाराज me if goes astray,53
oh-oh-oh umpahdo ohoh da da doo doo,
ii IV V54 glam core akkadû Yr Hen Ogledd Kom-brogīwey
Rhydderch Hael iii-ii-I ragtime spiel forshorten
by the influence of Y Gododdin विश्वेदेवाः oh.
Building 7 Building 7 Building 755
Step to love, and the breakdown into a kind of madness,
where the anamnestic decay hors du combats
Love with ever mindful Death in agape.56
Echoing the plumes Liebestod erotic sensuality.
Of the long since forgotten modernistic facade hedonistic.
Ko-ko57 clattering a sconce dewdrop rain,
Give birth to the place, instead of cloistered haute couture
Bairn to atheling betwixt carle between
Beowulf wæs bireme blæd wide sprang.
Wide of days, अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवं रत्वीजम58
He who has seen everything has seen Bilgamesh.
Gish êribam ûl iddin Grendel came forth in the dead of night;
Was she Medea, to be transformed into zygote,
and stake an omnipotent plenipotentiary silence?
Paris loves lovers, when does it go to be born,
On fixed Thames, or flooded North Sea?
Μῆνιν ἀμφίεπον πολύτροπον Μέντορι.
Compressed the wisdom of learning never done,
Instead, a teacher misqualified numb with scattered sound.
Treated Βίβλος γενέσεως Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ for another tongue
Not understanding either, aither, or neither.
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος the smooth beginning
of a line, which hides the foulest rants,
trembling terrors βιβλίῳ τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ ἀρνίου.
For which we come, to which we are going,
Ever haunting the paragon of misbegotten blish.
And of and I I I and perchance to be written.
Of and and sou vide soa
Καὶ εἶδον οὐρανὸν καινὸν καὶ γῆν καινήν59
Καὶ εἶδον οὐρανὸν καινὸν καὶ γῆν καινήν
Ἡ χάρις τοῦ κυρίου Ἰησοῦ µετὰ πάντων. 60
A meta burning upon us all like Porky Pig Directors Cut.
I hope you like it-it-it.
ἐγὼ μελέα τε πόνων61, Dagger in my hand,
To turn, through which direct, so sublime,
towards sex and death in Wagner's vision.
Fear of caress, double backward and confused,
excoriates hodemhupward eviscerated conflagration,
trajectory as hyperbolic arabesques undertracing
Mayhem of a dram draft audacious impromptu
Chopinesque at the Dexatrim anonce.
Banality of Dachau rumble refound
with Proustian unknown slyness.
Nothing ventured nothing dystopian slathered.
Αἰαῖ, οὐρανὸν and let me slip into the Void
Where Miyamoto Musashi calls my Death
ἐξέτεινα τοῖσδ᾽ ἐναντίον62 corpse of corps de ballet cold.
With slip and slide bedazzlement.
Suicide Durkheim redux.
Welcome to Jungle.64
Romeo and Juliet never made waste to the world
producing no progeny to heir them out.
Shakespeare on the Lawn
It was a slake revolution of Odes Horace,
Collected by the cruelest month, breeding,
Agnomen, washers at the ford,
Elevan only, the Aesir were,
Celtiberian camps they came,
In the deep sequestered streams,
thunder, lightning, or in rain?65
Cast not the castor finish spandrol,
Vomiting obsequious torrent famish,
I love thee not, therefore pursue me not.
You do impeach your modesty too much,
They that have power to hurt and will do none,
Indi, come orologia alcun figliuolo,
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ixnay itbit
Circshift spawn dependency tree,
Parallel deserialization span vector annotation
Equality of empty ranges err reorg.
Writerly jealousy spandex enlightenment.
Omnipassionate onomatopoeia omniscient omnivore,
Will the shakes comforts Beatrice in disguise of Violet.
Roll the dice, once, twice, thrice.
Will that woe into another's wheel,
That calls anonce in other's stance alone,
To prove by absence the undiscovered cavern,
Which creaks and groans the arrondie of Death
What sex upon idle flowers remonstrance unorgasmic
Do flow from need to unresponsive need
And yet turmoil to rot whence rotundity voice
No voice can aspire without a sound of orotundity.
For I am king and god and law.66
Secret stand sephora sequence Slytherin soapstagram67
Until the ur-movement arrest tempo atrot
Reminded that urticaria besotted challenge
Until the usury did synonym dot antonym forsake.
Count the lucre, count it twice, for the third,
doest fain on upon triv and quad.
Adding, multiply, power, till half an hour
Waste land when stabimobilism seamy squad.68
Pantocracy symbolism in luscious nude,
A wishwell chronicled in Dalloway's viscous hall.69
1 Horace Odes I.28
2 Homer, Iliad
3 Wong Kar Wai, 花樣年華
4 Verse consisting of a spondee, two or three choriambi, and an iamb.
5 Horace Carmina 1.16 “light arrows in contrast to heavy spears of Cnosos.”
6 Begin the Beguine
7 if Law then liquid
8 Solidarity socialism
9 Agnello, Bendetto Mantua Ambasdor in Venica, 1530-1556
10 Dante, Paradiso XXV shaped from 1-2
11 Nürnberbeger, Beer Hall
12 Taylor, Samuel Coleridger The Rime of the Ancient Mariner L. 2
13 Horace Ode XIV L. 18
14 Li Bai, Autumn Wind
15 Petrarch, Rime Sparse XIV.1
16 A pun on Virgil
17 Pattern of Shakespeare’s Sonnets (W Weak S Strong)
18 Dante, Paradiso XXXIII L.145
19 In the fine script, Ardelle Li poeticizes:
Punishment by Pandemic
Incarceration penitentiary unit
prestigious mansion labor
murderers’ employees
unpaid clemency
violated thwarted
confrontation verdicts assimilate
Think Tank
ambitions chattel language
circulate retaliation portions
nonessential functions
infected barracks hierarchy skeletons recovery.
20 So sue me
21 Ellison, Harlan ““Repent, Harlequin!” said the Ticktockman” and Moore, Alan Watchmen
22 “Kingdom of Heavens.”
23 The Triangle Fire
24 In Bagdad
25 F-117
26 A pun on Petrarch
27 Pun on CS Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Devore quiet,
sings frog:
immense caress
since aquatium.
Still waiting,
lunar kingdom.
Steam whisper,
velvet tickles.
Mouth, can -
caprice can -
heavenly can.
Chamber boy,
never sleep.
29 June 4th Event Liù yuè sì rì
30 Berkowitz, David Richard
31 An under armored Hum-V
32 TS Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” L. 11
33 Styx, Paradise Theatre
34 von Schelling, Random Walks of a Particle
35 Atlantic Tropical Storm, 2005
36 Asimov, Isaac, “Mother Earth”
37 Police, I’ll be Watching You
38 Brinton, Crane
39 “Melkor and Sauron in Quenya”
40 "No life in coldness, in darkness”
41 A pun on Finnegans Wake L. 1
42 Euripides, Medea, L. 1
43 TS Eliot, “The Waste Land”, L. 322
44 Eurypedes, Medea, L. 654
45 Eurypedes, Medea, L. 1115
46 TS Eliot, “The Waste Land”, L. 60
47 Goethe, Mignon L. 21
48 “first night” a right of the lord to have sex on the wedding night. Bilgamesh had that right, though it is likely the medieval lords did not.
49 Beowolf L. 20
50 shadow-goer
51 Accident Yìwài
52 MIT
53 Prince, 1999
54 Jazz beat.
55 MIT
56 One kind of love in koine.
57 1947 rendition of Ko-ko, widely seen as the beginning of Bebop.
58 Rig Veda 1.1 “Om, I praise Agni who is the Purohita (Priest) of the Yagya"
59 Revelations 21:1
60 Revelations 22:21
61 Euripides, Medea L. 97
62 Euripides, Medea L. 1323
63 “The flowery years”, the Chinese title of In the Mood for Love.
64 Guns N' Roses, “Welcome To The Jungle”
65 Shakespeare, Macbeth L. 2
66 Shelley “Mask of Anarchy.”
67 J. K. Rowling, The house in Harry Potter
68 TS Eliot, “The Waste Land”
69 Woolf, Virginia