"Vita bestial mi piacque e non umana,
sì come a mul ch'i'fui; son Vanni Fucci
bestia, e Pistoia mi fu degna tana.”
Dante, Inferno XXIV 124-126
There is a place in Hell,
And Malebulge is its name,
Past from America to CCCP to China
And beyond.
Behold the mightiest weapon.
And then the marching band played
“God save the Queen”
The secret of lighting fire from
Behold the beast,
With a pointed spear,
On pointed hooves,
With a pointed laugh,
Da Nyet Da Nyet.
Dan Yet Dan
With an evil laugh.
The Feet of the Dead,
grow hot to touch,
Because of the love,
That color of Paradise subsumes
I eat the brain
of Rugoverhead,
While pretending we could
Duck and Cover.
The place where we came
For dissent of the banks,
Was the growling mortgage
Fallen from mighty grace.
Pape Satan, Pape Satan,
Your face is soggy
From the high tower
Made in white,
a castle in the past.
With the death’s head
With a thief commanding hard margins
And then silence.
Like a mass
Do you have a trunk of treasures? And you just take out one poem after another? I don't have time to read them or understand. There is a children game in Russian: "Da ee Net ne govorite. So, I am silent. Thank you for poem.