Survey of Life
One of the more amusing endeavors of surveying Generations is the mislabeling of dates. To take merely one example, take the humble cash register. On page 222 it is noted under “Obsessive Organizers” that the “Progressives” invented it. Strauss and Howe list the generation as having been born between “1843 to 1859.” But the Cash Register was invented by James Ritty who was born on 29 October 1836. So, the invention of the cash register was invented in 1879 and patented in 1883 and thus “in” the Progressive Era. Butt its invention was not from a progressive member of society.
Now improvements were made by John H. Patterson who just barely made the cutting in 1844, and the “Obsessive Organizer” is very much to the for not only is there a journaling aspect among the improvements but John Henry Patterson was the very example of a progressive generation as Strauss and Howe conceive of it: the was the head of National Cash Register in a time when the corporation was being founded and going through NCR was almost the “equivalent of an MBA degree” according to Wikipedia. So many great business minds were hired, and fired, by NCR that the training of business leaders was a practical leadership role rather than an academic role. People such as Thomas Watson Sr. and Charles F. Kettering went through the higher and fire no that was NCR’s approach that John Patterson instituted while he was head of the company. Wikipedia states “Patterson’s methods influenced United States business for a generation. In the period 1910-1930, it was estimated that one-sixth of United States business executives were former NCR executives.” It also says a citation is needed. Two steps forward and step backward.
This shows how the extremes do not conform to a linear pattern, the inventor of the actual object was born outside of the era but does capture the great mass of the generation in that the real progress made by incorporating journaling, originally for catching fraud, and a host of other changes was indeed made by the Progressive Generation. That is the origin of the idea and its solution might not have come out of the progressive generation but the problem once solved changes to a top-down approach to the problem which many people could adapt to their uses.
This means that we must examine closely how the Fourier and the Laplace Transform combined to produce the middle outwards form of having an idea the transferred to a process that can be modeled by the Fourier Transform. Remember it is important that the Fourier Transform is the mechanism by which nations reproduce themselves in the same way that it is done by biology. This is important because one of the key aspects of science is there is an outside that maintains the state which humanity then can model by mathematics. So, the Fourier Transform is important because it brings up the social sciences with the hard science of biology in a mathematical way
Bottom Up, Top Down, Middle Out
Why did the Progressive Generation need a journal? Why did they need a point of sale? Why was this important at this time rather than before? This was from an idea of the Lincoln administration: a national currency. Before the Civil War money was created by banks and since there was no longer a national bank to regulate them how they did so was based on the particular state in which they were chartered. Lincoln needed to nationalize the currency to fund the war. That is this was a top-down approach and also a Laplace Transform because money is a precondition to someone operating in the Fourier Transform. This is because money can be known by the Real Numbers in a Fourier Transform but it can also be a potentiality and thus needs to be done by Laplace Transformation because one can imagine one has a great deal more wealth than is possible to attain. This means that we must use a two-dimensional space with the real number line on the X-axis and the potentiality on the Y-axis. Whenever a quantity can be measured in the real number line it can be thought of as a Fourier Transform. But when it becomes necessary to use potentiality to measure the object then Laplace Transform must be used, even if it is then to be planted on the real number line as a Fourier Transform.
While many processes in biology can be expressed as a Fourier Transform in biology the succession of generations is a recursive fractal Transform. That means we must begin the biology in the Fourier Transform because after all the primary concern with biology is the periodicity of reproduction to exchange heredity. Then we must explain the refinements in the Population Pyramid that are derived from the Fourier Transform of biology. From here we can differentiate the population pyramid from the Fourier Transform to derive the Laplace Transform. This leads us to a problem that can be solved by making the process recursive. This is because the biological impulse for the Fourier Transform is to track reproduction in the species and that is part of why the population Pyramid exists as well. This means that we can define a possible real value expression of the Fourier Transform as a species member that can produce other species members in return. That is, we must go from a Fourier Transform to a Recursive Fourier Transform. That the Fourier Transform in biology is recursive is true but since it produces members of the species it is trivial. But the population pyramid, which is derived from the Fourier Transform of biology, also produces other outputs than simply members of the same species.
Since the biological RFT includes top-down ideas such as the dominant member of a group for the reproductive number of a hive we can then put together the following two diagrams as part of the RFT problem biology:
Fourier Transform:
Top – Middle – Bottom:
In the biological sense, the middle layer is how the offspring are reared by the parents which is included in the DNA and expressed through epigenetic and behavioral transactions.
Each generation leaves out a curve from conception to death with the point of reproduction as the starting point for another generation. While different species use different techniques of reproduction in the human species there can be a long cycle where the parents care for the children often well beyond adulthood. While various means of communication and ownership are used in many different species the homo sapiens takes this to a greater extreme. “Care” is analogous used in the other great apes but again the homo sapiens takes it to another level. Thus, communication becomes speech, planned speech becomes the written word, behaviors are constrained by mechanisms such as speech and the written word, and there is a delicate dance of many different aspects of behavior. This means that while reproduction is a central feature of the population pyramid there are a host of other behaviors that contribute to the production of not only biological aspects but culture as well. There are these that while the population pyramid is descended from and refinement of the Fourier Transform yet is considerably more complex than most.
We can then use a simple harmonic oscillation to model the lifespan of the group of individuals over time. The oscillating equation:
f(𝑡)=𝐴cos(𝜔𝑡+𝜙)+𝑦 (1)
Where, in this case, 𝜔 and 𝜙 are Real numbers.
This for reproduction can become non-0 once the individual can breed. This does not mean that only the breeding cycle is relevant to the Population Pyramid only this part of the cycle necessarily occurs, but it is not sufficient. Since one can take any real curve and simulate it by sufficient well-defined Fourier Transformations, any individual can be simulated. The population of individuals starts just before conception and then runs forward along the RFT.
The events that most markets are birth, fertility, union, menopause, and death. Unlike other species, there is no release of offspring in any particular sense. Some members release the offspring at conception or birth, while others become attached to the offspring until they are dead. While conception can occur for an individual after death it is unlikely. The fertility number is the crossing of f(t) above the line and the menopause line makes it extremely unlikely that new offspring will occur in that person. We can then create a permanent population individual line by:
f(t) = c + b + f + m + d (2)
With the number of each corresponding to a statistical cosine of the life choices.
f(t) = c + cos cx(tx) + cos fx(cos cx (tx)) + cos mx(cos fx(cos cx (tx))) + cos dx(cos mx(cos fx(cos cx (tx)))) (3)
Where the recursion occurs when the individual produces offspring somewhere between f and m. The union variable heightens the chances that the recursion will occur. This is merely 1 individual but a matrix over time for the Population Pyramid as a whole and 𝜙 for the location in communication terms.
Or, taking x as the whole summation x0 … xn with each other member influencing every other member:
M =
{x0 ⊗x1… x0 ⊗xn.
Xn ⊗x0… xn ⊗xn-1} (4)
Where ⊗ represents “is influenced by.”
The input is the previous state and one of the outputs is progeny.
We can then perform statistical compression by a Monte Carlo method to simulate the results.
This will produce a potential Population Pyramid which we can then compare to the actual population pyramid to see where the Laplace Transform makes a difference. In other words, the potential population pyramid is different in that things that do not have Real numbers can still impact the population.
This leads us to the cause of death. In the RFT of biology, death occurs when the organism dies or is consumed by predators. The population pyramid does have the same cause but because of the sociology of human beings, the death rate has a more long-term effect.
This gives us a Scientific mathematical construct of the population pyramid from the biological Fourier Transforms with an error correction using the Monte Carlo simulation. This means that the middle out is constructed using the Laplace Transformed since by definition it contains a possibility of what is supposed to happen under the current circumstances.
We have been the result of any population pyramid not simply for the US. But there is still a problem of reconciling that while there are many factors which influence the population. We still need a regularized schema for the top-down republican and bottom-up democratic movements and why they are different. This will be the next section as well as other outputs from the RFT.