21 April 1989 - Friday
Lost for a breeze from the east, scouring the day as it comes up in dawn. Arise fair dawn, and strict beside a heavy heart, decayed. I want him but cannot have him.
O, to be Huaqiao, overseas to the p and to last O ever last. Hangmang sight, to ever be sublime curatorium bliss. Chenggong and in success lies virtue, come like wheezing in the night.
Tomorrow I shall go to the Heavenly gate and spear the juices from my vine, ripened into malaise and torment. Everyone. Each crown looked down from palatial height in ruin. Dishevel, dismantled, dehumed, dysfunctional spires of the olden years. Beating out the seconds with a 堂鼓,1 ceremonial in its purpose. I remember those vanished years. Craggy reminders of whence the twilight enraptured all. I will slice a half a tree trunk and rain on my head.
The streets, the avenues, the boulevarding grandeur. My eyes turn away from them to other secrets: the lanes, hutong hovels left hidden in the maze, yet to be destroyed. Every page writ large, every tableau polish smooth, as if polish wood reflected to the sky. A face has grown wrinkled time out of mind. Inside there are rats and mice, calling for food in the now, having no place else to reside in. I heard you on the wireless back on 9 September 1976.
Slate summit to excelsior. Squared canopy with a cupola flared with lavender. Resting on her back held akimbo align. Gable after our own fashion, a parapet in disguise with a rafter truss. Façade overarching sable. Another word for faccia.
Estrange colabrea cocoffany strike, Gathering visages until all burns down on the page of 内政2
Internal shame of external face.
Renao Beaujolais domestic.
Drilled with a tight hole
by expert craftsman.
Across the square, my penny-loafers patter-toing and enforced cortège. Pack my bags, they’ve come to take me home. I steam so lightly, at my parent coming down to the square, and dragging me ever so gently, while my eyes held him, while he was speaking by microphone in retro-brand dynamic vocally to a voice of the masses speaking to the once were masses, now the elite. He paced and tread to the throngs of cheering voices. Raising celestial chorus. Can a man who is warm understand an arm that is freezing?
And then I left. It smoldered to be a little girl with a dish in your eye…
22 April 1989 - Saturday
We raised a barrow, over which stood the castle of Democracy, the one thing that Marx, Lenin, and Mao would not let us have. But stone by stone, my friends reported that up she went. 成语;3 Break the cauldrons and sink the boats. Le Bestiaire ou Cortège d’Orphée in music réaliste. Brick by brick. Slathered rock by rock, sheened by plaster of Baijiu. Her face did flutter on the cheeks and robot the chin; lips smacking to the nines.
Have the Kool-aid and slurp it up to the cypress trees at Temple of Heaven, with 5 spice...
Where is he? I must have him, from the base too for skin, like a whale. Dongxi.
That’s what cheng gong is like.
23 April 1989 - Sunday
C’est votre droit, et notre devoir. Assigned as homework by histoire. Wish you may wish you might have the battement frappé de silence de la mer. A sea of heads, some of the bald with sweat with panache. Certainly, western civilization hid the ruins of Grecian Sex in a bag. They say there is no hope - for us left upon the vine. Satyrs creep to dianymphs, disgorge in splendiferous bacchanalian splendor spite maenad. That should be the first lesson of the syllabus in the tribulations of the Hellenistic epoch - the girls were ground down.
Ground to dust - and then rose up again. As with Dante - whose major work was Commedia, which later generations called “Divine.” The seven verse with its short and long attending from rhyming is this way too.
瑞 雪 初 盈 尺4 - lucky snow first fill foot-length
languid lying murmurations on the cotton sheets,
a reflection of the Sun in all its glory.
24 April 1989 - Monday
It calls along the drifting, settlings after the end brought beginning. Reaching, up wide, and listening to bereft dreaming bereave. Shells moise deranged to the deep bottom sandstone chalk. It calls along the drifting, settlings after the end brought beginning. Trill ending faith with no maker, no caesura, no saltillo en brief. Abuela Zapotec Nahuatl. It cometh forsworn in triads circular when chords resound temple. Natural voice of the unbegotten, which has no faith from here, A far above a high note descends to victory. Les cadeaux repetition, depetition, 刻骨铭心 .6
Atomic energy commission, mathematical statistician, social development commission, unit of ammunition, mathematical statistician, social development commission, electrodeposition.
Reposition, soul commission, evolution, 除四害, 打麻雀运动,7 hygiene campaign in devolution, lu shun, Confucian, locution, penutian, pollution, pultrusion.
A little fugue in G with-in-which held the Bach in black night soaring high that capital in Piketty.
25 April 1989 - Tuesday
Too long in the rain, so I stood there half a meter from my God - of pure voice and strong rhythm. Jǔ bēi yāo míngyuè, O Li Bai, so alone you are, as if speaking in the ear. We or I or the throng of us-ness surpassing sameness are drunk in the field of nexaproscity in languor-ridden titanic twitch machines. “We must not allow, a mineshaft gap.”
I see your face, with that grace that makes me long for an religion eternal. Dull root with spring rain. Reigned in a time of havoc. Then let not winter's ragged hand deface, it little profits that an idle king.8 Those to whom evil is done, do evil in return. The play’s the thing, to catch the conscience of the king. And you quell to the leaders might, the strange passion of their sight: elegant milling, that's now grown forceful, kuai till they come. Tis filling for the shilling. He’s busy dying. TS Eliot did not say that. His defense, which lasts for six sittings, as if Cato’s self had not disdain’d to hear: Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone. Smoke gets in your eyes.
There you are, surrounded by the hangers-on. We’ll meet again, don’t know when don’t know where in your wildest dreams. 置之度外.9
1 Drumming
2 internal affairs.
3 Chengyu
4 A lucky first snow falling a full foot
5 moonlight before bed
6 Literally: ‘Engraved in ones bones engraved in one’s heart’ or ‘Engraved in one’s memory.’
7 Eliminate the four pests, play mahjong
8 In the fine script, Ardelle Li observed:
Cash is King
Black in the Man
Man in Black
Accidentally gospel
Memphis Tennessee.
New Deal acoustic.
Trains and Murder make up
scripture and conviction
Department of hodgepodge
meditations on theodicy and fatherhood.
Nouns careers imprison.
Performance Belshazzar cumulative concordance.
exegesis Apostle denounced.
Kingdom come.
9 Literally: ‘Put it out of one’s consideration’ or ‘Give no thought to.’