Start simply, as if you were the rock trancedelafaim
And drew the picture to various stages bright of completion.
In your holy trans-substantiation in aims,
Noisome coyly submitted the pencils writ in Jehoshaphat's name.
Till you fill up upon the centaur same.
Just so, punch and of July but though we knew,
On marks of math, the apostles drew.
Heavy found to mass called the Saints
Not to Jimmy the Alpha until the Omega faints
Vain Simon says do not look upon you pyre,
It is the memory of the call that is Chariot sire.
No, hey Jude, remember the sky is made
Christ Jesus is foreign until sunlight shade.
Inward, sacred gypsum caustic memories to fade.
This is powerful: "Start simply, as if you were the rock trancedelafaim"... These thing make me dream and plot. Happy. (And yes, I read the whole poem. But, that line! love....)