26 April 1989 - Wednesday
I realize that nothing is as it seems - dream of rain, desert rose. Repetition compulsion is a drawing that emerges from compulsion compactification manifold radio, ga-ga. Who wants to live forever? Syntactical synecdoche simplifies sonority synthesizer shalom. Electroacoustic polyphonic musique concrète Synket in drag by pseudo-electric potential. Confinity modalities on the flute arpeggiator, my brother hears Concertina bootstrap erudition on the Second row in a hovel-born Hangzhou do minho arcos de valdevez. Try as he might, jazz pharmaceuticals infected mon frère from le Composition for “Jazz”. Its countermelodies metonymy slipped in krautrock par Dixieland appropriately tresillo Ojos Criollos (Danse Cubaine) clave in Ragtime tinge cinquillo spiritual-esque habanera harmonic substitution chords, reinterpreted in Blue. Toucha brass. I can smell the chemicals.
27 April 1989 - Thursday
战哭多新鬼, 愁吟独老翁.1 Pittar, patter little feet, down the corridor and over the washways. Once so strong, now worried that the straight book lies crooked: a garniture en relief. Even when students were supposed to be, or not to be, in class or crowded over the microtome and microscopes devolving into the power within magnification gravement altéré.
And He is there, within temptation, without frustration, making all the points, his points, our points full of grace in stentorian sylLAbles.
Propaganda, you will believe. Bang bump bang. Propaganda, you will believe. All shouting. You will believe. Thump, Thump, Thump. Propaganda. Towards me. You will believe. Until our minds did shake and shimmy to the shatter. And believed. 堂堂正正.2
And he was there, striding, extorting to have them in his. Black springtime in blanc.
And he was there: cavorting in the sun. Sapho en culture.
And he was, of course, single.
And he was there. Alone in a Gang of Four.3
28 April 1989 - Friday
I reign over a glorious daybreak, that was quickly denuded by rolling clouds that brought rain. I see no raindrops. Fallen from the symbolled world. It was silent in the mixing room until it flooded out in another person’s voice.
The white shining face of the god. Blanc by the ashen hue of death.
29 April 1989 - Saturday
谢谢你,4 Mr. Roboto。我会再见到你5 Sluggishly pulling in.
30 April 1989 – Sunday
Just a single step to the left and then a single step to the right 不合时宜.6 There is a second sight in the second nature sense by second sex. Whence comes a torrent of the noises divided into three. Forth and hoe! But he has drunk a fifth of scotch before sleeping with me. Now he rests on the sixth day. And I count the days based on seven.
And then I ate though no hunger impinged on my stomach.
Number nine, number nine, number nine.
1 May 1989 – Mayday
It was magnificent and grand in a small and means sort of way. 富丽堂皇.7
2 May 1989 – Tuesday
Goodbye, Mister Blue Sky.
I am afraid that I will be late.
I wish I could uncloak myself. 变本加厉.8
I so wish I could pretend to join those who stand alone at the circling heavens with an eagle flew out of the night. Banners lifted off the ground, to a mechanic in the sky. Words of a shaped mass formed to a chant. Who speaks for the grass?
Mostly they were standing, but a few raised arms to live amidst the Shanghai triad. The pain lingers of angel hair and Ferris wheels. You leave them laughing.
I must learn to fly… 惊天动地.9
3 May 1989 – Wednesday
Smugnorant doubling-redoubling as the spades cool wall to the back against circled porcelanosa scabbed sunlight 中国音乐学院10 between hands of contract bridge. Steam from Shaokao which is a hanger-on used hongbao to buy chabuduo 邮政报刊亭.11 I do this because of melancholy somnambulant mèngxiǎng.
Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming, because he blinded me with science.
Arboretum in xiāng-fáng hútòng siheyuan-style. The leaves crumple under ancient embroidered lianlǚ.12
1 There are many new ghosts crying in battle, and the lonely old man mourns.
2 Dignified
3 Among Ardelle Li’s other drafts of a later time:
Gang of Foursquare
lacunae enslaved struggle overlooked, aspect
Presidential physiological brain waves
subliminal candidates’ technology designed
cadence undecided algorithm Subconscious underlies
conscious critically Neuromarketing spontaneous
unmediated responses neuromarking
artificial intelligence Affectiva. controversial unsurprised
groupthink reiterating perimeter Des Moines.
Predispositions divulge.
4 Thank you
5 I will see you again.
6 Out of keeping with the time.
7 Magnificent and grand.
8 Literally: ‘change basic nature add severity’ or ‘intensify become worse’
9 Earthshaking.
10 China Conservatory of Music. Within the First Ring.
11 Post Newstand.
12 In the notes in Ardelle’s fine script:
Not known in blank,
Not angry but calm,
Not unwilling to be second,
Not in keeping with the era,
Not thinking,
Not in the classics,
Not far but close,
Not to be imagined,
Not too common:
Not to be said,
Never to be contemplated,
Never to disappear.
Not fish nor fowl.
Not to fail,
Not to be denied.
Not numerous –
Not ordinary,
Neither high or low,
Not to be look at,
Not to be said.
Not to trouble,
Not to wince,
But to crush one’s enemies.
What a pleasure!
Not to master!
Not to consult:
Not to stop
Not by the letter
Nor what to do.
13 Talking to myself