7 January 1905
The scene was the English lady's house, and specifically the living room where I found myself in. I did not want to talk to the lady, but to the gentleman who ran the intelligence business – but first, there must be forms to maintain – and it was her house after all. She was dressed much less formally than on the 1st night – after all, it was a party then and now it was less ostentatious. She was still draped with pearls – it seemed to be part of her. But otherwise, she was in a distinctly modern dress, rather than something more Victorian or Edward. In fact, it was so modern that it was a shock to see her in this light. It was blue – but a shiny blue with stripes of silver running through its fabric, with intricate dragons sewn in, but also of blue – the lace at her head was white setting it apart. It is still the age of opulence but of simplified opulence– the Belle Epoch, the beautiful age in French. What is missing was the elaborate trimmings of the Victorian age, especially the late Victorian age– though it was a fight.
Looking behind and to the left, she saw a female with a note wrapped tight in an envelope. It was obvious from her attire she was subordinate – first, she was in a skirt and blouse, as opposed to a dress, and they were less about trimmings than their opposite number. The top was white, and the only collaret for design, the skirt was like green and down to the ground – I did not know the name of the artist who satirized this, though I knew he was famous. whereas the lady of the house was fluid and composed, her female subordinate was straight and strict in her nature and her figure. She was there strictly to serve. It framed a picture, where the subordinate female was looking hesitantly at what she had offered – as if it were a portrait, perhaps of John Singer Sargent.
From hand to hand – female to lady – the envelope was given, with both hands and with a reverence for whatever it contained. But after looking at the paper, the lady turned and placed it on a small stack to look at later. She turned back to the female and with a nod of her head, and before the female left – she had turned her attention solely back to me.
“You must forgive my need to keep my house in order – it is my job.” She joined her hands together. Then reached for the tea, drunk in Western style with the things used – sugar and milk, which was anathema to the essence of tea.
“Follow the master.” This was true.
“It is a flow from my hands to theirs, is to condition than quite early – after that it only requires adjustment. But men have different ways of doing things than ladies do. But the sign our the same – department, and design are the keys.” At this point she leaned back, probably to survey my reaction. Her hands slipped to the side.
“The key unlocks many things – people truly are things.” Though it was original, I spoke it with the affectation that it was from some book.
“People is what I manage – which brings us to do you in particular. I know you have a special mission, but it is not what you think it is.” Leaned in slightly, with her eyes tilted up at me – as she drank another sip of tea and placed the cups down.
“That mission is?” Was it obvious? Or is it her gift to recognize? Probably both.
“You think you have come here to speak with a certain man, who you have been told is in command of - diplomacy by extended means.” Her forwardness might have taken some and the West back, but Easterners would understand it as command – perhaps she viewpoint that others of her race. my face her face intensified its gaze – picking out every line. With every motion, she was in charge of the situation – and I could not help but feel a pull towards being subordinate to her. Though, realizing such, the fight was engaged.
He waited.
“Explain yourself.” It had haughty air – that broke no disaffection.
It was at that point that he realized, he was going to have to explain himself – and fully. It also became clear to him, that she was the power in these 4 walls. Whatever he had heard outside, even from his superiors, was completely wrong. She stared down at him, with a glance that pointed down her nose. He imagined that Queen Victoria had such a stare. He remembered, in his own language, of course, the phrase “We are not amused”. If there was a scrap of fight left in him, it was gone after that moment. He would not reveal the mission, but almost anything else was at her disposal. Such was the power of command.
Beginning in English: “It was the intent, to arrange a mutually beneficial mission. The outlines of which could be discussed with the head of intelligence – because after all Britain and Japan are secretly aligned. Of course, the 'secretly' part is a misnomer – For it is generally recognized among the great powers that such an alliance is de facto between our nations.” He was proud of himself for the years he had put this language – it was far better than the French which he also had.
Straightening up her back – she waited for more details. It was clear that she would make a decision when she had all that I was going to tell her. So, obligation demanded a full recitation – and then some. So for the next 15 minutes, they plan to go into China, in the area of Mukden, and find Akaki man. After that, I was to do as he said. Though it was obvious, there was no admission that this was a suicide – if need be. Such would not be told directly. Then I stopped, having no more information that could be revealed – I was certainly not going to explain why I was selected – nor would the details of the upper echelon of Japan be of interest to her, she probably knew more. And in fact, a great deal more.
At this point, she leaned forward and descended into an opera whisper – as if it were something known to everyone, as if in a Noh play.
“It was good of you to explain this – though most of it was contained in the information that was sent. But trust is the one thing that could not be ascertained. You probably know that the British position on your mission is, largely, a formality. However, it is an important formality which will be one piece that will decide whether this is a temporary alliance, or something deeper.”
One part of the test I had passed – though it was not essential, it was vital to the success of the mission. And as far as I was concerned, personally, that mission subsumed the whole of my existence. Then, with the clock chiming half an hour – she dismissed me.
I went home, and among the many preparations – stored my pen, because things would have to be secret. It was he looking at it that was if it was an extension of myself. To write was part of living, tracing the smooth waves of calligraphy.