When I was young on plain summer days,
When milk was delivered on hoofbeats,
We would pet the horse's nose
As everyone and his cousin
Packed fluffernutters in a bag.
All was peace and light,
On Sundays after church open and closed.
After the Korean conflict subsided,
When everyone knew their place,
By the section of town in which they lived.
White and black pretending to be the same.
Only the edges where the rock and roll God’s played,
Held the crosses of rhythm,
On which Amos and Andy
Could meet Martin and Lewis
On Jack Benny Slims,
With cool menthol,
On Pulp Street and Beale.
On Pulp Street and Beale.
Beautiful poem, I love it. I feel transported to that time and place and felt profound nostalgia.
At last, you forgot that you are absurdist! Such a nostalgia about past . Love it!