Auspicious and the night is young,
Broken-hearted for the uncivil piece.
Catching fire from the most,
Degraded noise a fire
Ending such little chance as we
Forgotten to search and
Gamble in the wabe.
Hosanna in the highest
Into this dreck we besmirch for
Justification and release because
Killing is the alternative
Munching on the air as Langoliers
Noshing flesh to fresh in fresh fashion.
Obstreperous in the mouth but
Pedantic in the lines.
Question not the
Realism cold but
Stewing a dark and
Topored sleek,
Under here under thereby,
Vanishing into the void.
Wishing well the wall of waste
Xī abandon with great force
Yet all in all we must genuflect to
Zillow open-hearted we go!