You might also have mentioned that Ruth Bader Ginsburg SHOULD have resigned far earlier, rather than waiting to die on the bench. She was certainly bright enough to realize that ReThuglicans have no honor, and the coup pulled off by Moscow Mitch came as no surprise. [It was even more obscene that he had no problem with the October nomination of Amy Coney Barrett during an election year, after having blocked a February nomination four years earlier.]
However, DemocRats cannot get out of their own way: period. They are far too concerned with issues that at best mean nothing to the "average" voter, and they ignore the issues that apparently matter. The 2024 election might have been salvaged had Biden decided not to run a year earlier. However, even the candidate chosen in the primaries would have needed to deal with immigration and inflation at the grocery story (and elsewhere).
The Dems simply could not deliver a message. They assumed that the overturn of *Roe* would hand them an easy victory. Instead, they chose a very weak candidate, lost seven out of seven "swing states," and handed a convicted felon the keys to the White House. Shameful!
I could point to many other factors: the way the Party marginalized Hispanics and Progressives; the way it ignored and insulted the Arab-American and Muslim-American voters (costing them Michigan and Wisconsin), the way they have stood by for decades without the guts to fight, and the way they have consistently run inept campaigns with very weak candidates. Add 2024 to that list...
You might also have mentioned that Ruth Bader Ginsburg SHOULD have resigned far earlier, rather than waiting to die on the bench. She was certainly bright enough to realize that ReThuglicans have no honor, and the coup pulled off by Moscow Mitch came as no surprise. [It was even more obscene that he had no problem with the October nomination of Amy Coney Barrett during an election year, after having blocked a February nomination four years earlier.]
However, DemocRats cannot get out of their own way: period. They are far too concerned with issues that at best mean nothing to the "average" voter, and they ignore the issues that apparently matter. The 2024 election might have been salvaged had Biden decided not to run a year earlier. However, even the candidate chosen in the primaries would have needed to deal with immigration and inflation at the grocery story (and elsewhere).
The Dems simply could not deliver a message. They assumed that the overturn of *Roe* would hand them an easy victory. Instead, they chose a very weak candidate, lost seven out of seven "swing states," and handed a convicted felon the keys to the White House. Shameful!
I could point to many other factors: the way the Party marginalized Hispanics and Progressives; the way it ignored and insulted the Arab-American and Muslim-American voters (costing them Michigan and Wisconsin), the way they have stood by for decades without the guts to fight, and the way they have consistently run inept campaigns with very weak candidates. Add 2024 to that list...
I believe I did mention that RBG should have resigned.
Apologies; I didn't get to comment until somewhat after a hasty skim-read...