Thank you for an interesting piece. Of course, I am on your side on this. However, we must also question how strongly the Democrats can identify with certain causes (e.g., transgender rights; gay marriage; et al.) without further erosion of what was once the "base" of the party.
The hard, ugly truth is that the USA has gone WAY to the right, and much further toward outright racist as well. Immigration was a major issue in November (despite the fact that Trump and his Congressional stooges tanked a bi-partisan agreement), and plenty of ReThuglicans waxed furiously about how Dems were "giving away the store" to immigrants who crossed the border illegally.
The other harsh reality is that the Right controls most of the media at present, a fact that makes it far harder to convey a message. Most watched TV news: Fox (Faux). Most read paper: (USA TODAY (Gannett). Talk radio is almost totally far-Right, and social platforms like Twitter (now called "X") and Facebook will soon be vehicles for the Right as well.
Thank you for an interesting piece. Of course, I am on your side on this. However, we must also question how strongly the Democrats can identify with certain causes (e.g., transgender rights; gay marriage; et al.) without further erosion of what was once the "base" of the party.
The hard, ugly truth is that the USA has gone WAY to the right, and much further toward outright racist as well. Immigration was a major issue in November (despite the fact that Trump and his Congressional stooges tanked a bi-partisan agreement), and plenty of ReThuglicans waxed furiously about how Dems were "giving away the store" to immigrants who crossed the border illegally.
The other harsh reality is that the Right controls most of the media at present, a fact that makes it far harder to convey a message. Most watched TV news: Fox (Faux). Most read paper: (USA TODAY (Gannett). Talk radio is almost totally far-Right, and social platforms like Twitter (now called "X") and Facebook will soon be vehicles for the Right as well.
Bottom line: we have an ugly fight on our hands.
There is more to come.